ConsistADS is an advanced system that converts ADABAS Natural into a flexible and versatile format that can run on a variety of modern, relational environments. This enables immediate cost reduction and allows our customers to drive more value from existing assets.
Main Characteristics of ConsistADS
- Provides a modern Web interface for online applications
- Automatically converts online applications originally written for 3270 character-based screens
- Allows modernization of 3270 screens while complying with Web Standards
Provides a methodology that mitigates risk
- Offers quick implementation and secure data migration from ADABAS to DB2 and other major RDMS’s, to run on z/OS, Linux/Unix, and Windows using an SQL call level interface
- Transforms commands and queries so that they are tuned to the target database system
- Preserves the software development skill set and methodologies already inherent in the organization
All existing functionality is fully integrated into the new technology:
- ADABAS/Natural Security Mechanisms are replaced by ConsistADS Security
- ConsistADS’ Web interface replaces SAG’s Entire-X functionality.
- Monitors do not need 3270 terminals, but can run using ConsistADS for z/OS, Linux/Unix, and Windows.
- Uses integrated download/upload and printer handling.
ConsistADS IDE transforms applications ‘in-place’ using a broad set of technology. Not only are all NATURAL dialects supported, but the ConsistADS IDE also allows simultaneous usage with modern languages such as Java. The editor interfaces with Source Control Systems for version control. Web services are incorporated into ConsistADS allowing for easy integration with SOAP, BPM and other software integration technologies.
The Data Migration System (DMS) automatically performs the following:
- Extracts data from the ADABAS database, re-formats the data, creates tables, and loads the data into DB2 other RDBMS on z/OS and other platforms.
- Converts all ADABAS access commands such as FIND, READ, GET, etc. into SQL commands to provide efficient access to the Relational Database.
- Allows access to DB2 for z/OS and other RDMS’s in both dynamic and static modes while generating access plans automatically.
Benefits of Using ConsistADS
- Allows access to the same data as before while providing the core infrastructure for business analytics
- Modernizes the online user experience through a Web interface
- The all-in-one product platform simplifies and unifies license mechanisms
- Requires minimal staff training
- Delivers immediate cost reduction
- Requires minimum end-user training for using the applications in the new environment
- Preserves existing organization processes and methodologies because the application source code remains unchanged
- Eliminates maintenance and licensing cost for ADABAS/Natural
- All applications are converted simultaneously in a short time period
- Allows distribution of the workload among machines for development and runtime environments
- ConsistADS is available on the following platforms: z/OS, Linux, Unix and Windows.
- ConsistADS can migrate ADABAS onto DB2, Oracle, MySQL, and other RDBMs.